Manny Yack – Noodles ft. Intaba Yase Dubai mp3 download
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Manny Yack – Noodles ft. Intaba Yase Dubai mp3 download
Ngize ngaba na-16
Ngakaze ngigibele imoto mina ngikhule emakhaya
Angkaze ngibenalo ithoyizi
Butshelwa ngezinkomo mawufuna ukuyodlala
Butshelwa ngezinkomo mawufuna ukuyodlala
Funde iskole mina ngekhandlela ugesi ngiwazi sengimdala
Intombi muyifuna bewuyilandela
Mina ngiyiqhuba nangebhala
Mina ngakhula ngemfino ngingawazi ucheese
Ngakhula ngomdoko mina angwazi ama noodles
Ngakhula ngomdoko mina angwazi ama noodles
Ngyakhumbula mina
esgele bengjikisa
Engakhokhiwe ama fees
Kudum’ikhanda ngoba ngiphume endlini ngingadlile
Bekunswempu sihlala sibawu 6 kwi RPD
Wavela wahamba ubaba
Ngingakhoni ukulala
Ngizwa ekhala umama
Ngaqed’ iskole , istifiketi ngangaslanda
Ngalolosuku kwakmele ngiqal’ ukyophanda
Couldn’t get a degree
So ngakhwela ama beats
Ngathol ispani ngichatha iymoto to get something to eat
Same year ngathol uthando and kwazalwa incosi
Ngayiqamba uAaliyah
Had no choice but to win
Yeah Yeah
Ungavumi uhlulwa impilo ntwana yami
Akukho okungadluli izwa ngami
Ungavumi uhlulwa impilo ntwana yami
Akukho okungadluli izwa ngami
Mina ngakhula ngemfino ngingawazi ucheese
Ngakhula ngomdoko mina angwazi ama noodles
Ngakhula ngomdoko mina angwazi ama noodles
Akusekho ukbheka emuva
Khumbula besthuka
Sixegwa amablukwe
No matric dance
Besnganayo inyuku
Manje sengiynuku
Ncolisa itafula
Manje mangfika kunyuka iyithupha
Mama wathi funda kumaphutha lessons
Ntombi zingbamba ngapha nangapha ambidextrous
Noma ungalanda u-proffesor you can’t test us
Na na na na
Nawe uyazi indala ibanga
Angsahleki nhlobo ngigane unwabu
Nawe uyazi indala ibanga
Angsahleki nhlobo ngigane unwabu
Mina ngakhula ngemfino ngingawazi ucheese
Ngakhula ngomdoko mina angwazi ama noodles
Ngakhula ngomdoko mina angwazi ama noodles
Until I was 16
I never rode a car and grew up at home
I have never had a toy
You are told by the cows if you want to go play
You are told by the cows if you want to go play
I went to school and by candlelight I knew I was old
The girl you want is following you
I also run it with a barrow
I grew up with no vegetables
I grew up with porridge and I knew noodles
I grew up with porridge and I knew noodles
I remember myself
they turned around
Unpaid fees
I have a headache because I went out of the house without eating
It has always been 6 in the RPD
My father left
I can’t sleep
I hear my mother crying
I finished school, and I got my certificate
That day I had to start researching
Couldn’t get a degree
So I rode the beats
I got a spanking and hit the car to get something to eat
The same year I fell in love and was born a virgin
I named it Aaliyah
Had no choice but to win
Yeah Yeah
Don’t let life get you down my child
Nothing beats hearing about me
Don’t let life get you down my child
Nothing beats hearing about me
I grew up with no vegetables
I grew up with porridge and I knew noodles
I grew up with porridge and I knew noodles
No more looking back
Remember the shock
We are stripped of our trousers
No matric dance
They had no bees
Now I am a chicken
Clean the table
Now let me come up to six
Mom said learn from the mistakes lessons
Girls can be caught on both sides ambidextrous
Or you can download a professor you can’t test us
Na na na na na
You also know the distance
I’m not laughing at all
You also know the distance
I’m not laughing at all
I grew up with no vegetables
I grew up with porridge and I knew noodles
I grew up with porridge and I knew noodles